School of Life Program, one of the main programs of ACAY Missions Philippines Inc would like to share with you the achievement of our two beneficiaries who successfully graduated in their chosen field. Education is one of the services School of Life is offering to its beneficiaries. And it is our great joy to see them little by little rebuilding themselves and reaching their dreams.
Gloria who is an ACAY School of Life scholar successfully graduated in B.S in Social Worker and Angela successfully graduated in Business Information Management.
Angela (Witness of Life Stage) and Gloria (Scholar) who are both beneficiaries of SOL finally had their momentous walked in the aisle this last April 2017 which signifies the start of harvesting the fruit of their hard works. This could be the start of a new journey and there is more yet to come. With their heads held high they are ready to take another huge step in their lives.
ANGELA – Business Information Management
“Being a second child of the family and who’s the only one who graduated in college is one of the biggest achievement I had. Expressing my gratitude to the sisters, volunteers, staff, my co-benefeciaries of ACAY and everyone behind this achievement for guiding and motivating me to persevere in my study. There are times that I want to stop because studying is difficult for me. But despite of that I learned to manage and ask help from the people around me and to value education. And it feels like Konting hakbang nalang malapit ka na…. (few steps left and your near).”
GLORIA- Bachelor of Science in Social Work.
“I would like to say thank you to ACAY for all the lessons that you have shared and thank you for helping me in my spiritual life, for helping me to deepened my belief and to letting me know him, our God.THANK YOU for trusting in me, for believing in me that i can do it.
Also i want to congratulate you because you have another one (ME), who successfully graduated. my achievement is your achievement. I wont be here if not because of ACAY. I would like also to offer to ACAY this success because of your patience and hard work, I was able to reach my dream. Thank you and I love you from the bottom of my heart. Im so blessed to know ACAY and to be part of it.”
Gloria is now preparing for her Licensure Board Examination while Angela is taking training with one of the ACAY volunteer for her Job hunting.