DSWD Permit No: 00069-2024 Valid Until August 31, 2025
THE POWER OF A SECOND CHANCE: 20 years in Manila
1st May 2023
When I started my mission in MYRC (Manila Youth and Reception Center) with Charles and Egon, French and Austrian volunteers in August 2002, I never imagined that 20 years later this project would have grown into a program – so important and impactful for this country and for France.
SCP began first in our hearts. We dared to believe that these young people who committed crimes, detained in a Youth Home under challenging conditions, could become who they are today, responsible, respectful, successful citizens with a deep desire to give back to others.
We then met Edward, Nino, John Paul, and many others who are today’s husbands and fathers, building their families and professional careers thus helping the new generations of CICL (Children in Conflict with the Law) youth to dream big.
After 20 years, the SCP alumni are numerous, they are an inspiration for the new generations of youth, by giving their testimonies, training, and coaching them. May this continuous chain of shared compassion and courage flourish and give Life to much more youth!
Happy 20th Anniversary!
Sr Edit Fabian
Founder of SCP
Author Helen Keller once said that “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much…”. This year we have celebrated the compassion, generosity, and belief in a second chance for both those who are delivering and receiving the SCP interventions. The impact is profound and lasting.
For 20 years, there has been a constant encounter of “Second Chances” that has served as a catalyst for the development of each CICL: the family spirit, going beyond in reaching out, a connection with reality, and the need for growth, and the development of the Metamorphosis Method to transform the lives of the youth worldwide. Grounded in a shared and lived experience, innovation and strategies were combined to form this new and successful method.
The 20th SCP anniversary celebration is a moment of inspiration to move forward and continue spreading the flame of hope to Children In Conflict with the Law (CICL) for them to become Citizens Involved in Community Life (CICL).
To the people who founded SCP: the Missionaries of Mary, to those who believed that Second Chances exist and that there is always hope: benefactors, partners, staff, and volunteers, and to the living testimony of hope: the youth and their families, THANK YOU!
Marlou Simangon-Dumao
Program Manager ofSCP
SCP Alumni Testimonials
“We are proudly the fruit of ACAY’ s labor; we became Agents of Change. Thank you, ACAY for the 20 years of dedication to everyone! “
Rainer, SCP Alumni
SCP anniversary was an experience of JOY: the presence of a family, the change in so many lives, the realized dreams, all of this is because of everyone’s perseverance.
Little by little, everything has paid of. For me too…
For the future, I know that we will always have the courage to conquer the challenges.
Thank you very much for having allowed me to be part of the ACAY family.