Help families and youth living in the slums in of Metro, Manila Philippiines.
We have families and young people supported by ACAY whose daily lives have also drastically changed because of the lockdown cause by covid-19 pandemic. In this article, they share their daily life with us during this lokdown and the difficult conditions in which they live.
“As the confinement continues, we are growing more and more concerned where we will find food and milk for our baby as our savings is nearly zero. It is getting worse and worse, as we do not know whether the containment will be lifted or whether this period will be extended. “

“In this time of crisis, we are among those who are most affected. It’s a double burden to families like ours to face the fear of the virus and to hear the sound of our empty stomach. It is also unfortunate for us that lockdown was implemented at the time when we just brought out our youngest child from the hospital. I am very afraid for my three children, and just thinking about how to feed my family makes me sick. “
“It has been more than 30 days since the lockdown was implemented. During the first days, everything was fine, but the more time passes, the worse things get. We are running out of food and other necessities. “